Inspired by Iceland


Laura Groves - Blue Roses

"Os Humanos são demasiado complicados. Deixa-os no mundo deles e vem connosco.

Um dia... dá-me só um minuto. Quero provar um pouco mais antes de ter toda essa luz, esse sol, esse mar, esse céu e essa música."

Coast (em repeat)

Leave my house
Leave the troubles at the door
I need the coast of the East of England

He says ”we’re all going one day
Why cling on?”
I think that he and I will be saved

I want to see the electricity
On the masts of the ships
As the storm builds

Lighthouse beams
I know where I am
By counting the flashes

Years ago I read that there were
Ghosts here
I want to see the electricity
On the masts of the ships
As the storm builds

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