Inspired by Iceland



bom, acho que a maior novidade de todas é que ainda não morri! ah.
Aviso já que a partir de agora e por várias razões, os posts vão ser inglês com maior frequência. O público aqui do estaminé que não entende português é maior, mais de metade do meu trabalho tem sido feito em inglês e a minha cabecinha anda preguiçosa...desculpem, mas isto não dá para tudo. E acreditem que estou a contribuir para o vosso crescimento e felicidade porque, com toda a honestidade deste mundo, após dois meses no 'mundo do trabalho', já conclui com toda a certezinha: quem não souber inglês hoje em dia, não vai a lado nenhum (ou quase, quase...). Atenção, não quero com isto dizer que concordo! Mas é um facto com que tenho lidado dia-a-dia. Portanto, sejamos todos inteligentes, sim?

Bom, aqui vai.

I honestly don't know where time has gone. The last two months did not exist, seriously. How's this possible? Just yesterday I was a shy, tiny, fragile intern getting into one of the biggest consulting companies worldwide and todayyy... i'm still a shy, tiny, fragile intern but a bit more comfortable and with more confidence. It was and still is a huge change and day by day I realise the impact this whole experience has had in me. I have a month left of it and, even though gOd knows what's going to happen afterwards, I know I'm really going to miss everything. Those super competent professionals that i look up to, that laid back work environment, those challenging ideas and projects. I have definitely been put out of my comfort zone there, working with stuff not so much psychology related, but it has been awsome and i wouldn't trade it.
Well, there's only a month left, but in this month i have 3 million things to do (and which i should be doing right now). It's been a bit overwhelming, but i guess like everything, it'll be done.

Last month I had people over in Lisbon. Lot's of fun, lot's of loove and party. Sightings of the Pope in two different cities (not mentioning Rome) and trips to Porto were included too. Notes: watch out for fancy Oporto wine, deadly late-night margaritas from Bairro Alto and weird visits to expensive hotels. Especially if you cant really remember what happened (and u have to walk by that hotel every single f* day). Oh well. we were young...

If ur a vintage stuff addict, please please pleeease visit MUDE (Museu do Design e da Moda) in Lisbon downtown. Went there last week with a friend (who suggested it. thank u so much!) and I seriously was already planning how i was gonna get in during the night and steal all that amazing stuff. They have all these clothes, (like Dior, Channel and Alexander McQueen dresses and coats) furniture, music, radios from the 20's to the 90's. And they play Edith Piaf and Marilyn Monroe (diamonds are a girls best friend) during the visit. Cant get any better. Please visit!

Also, the Weird Girls project has a new episode out done in Mexico. I love what they do. Watch it!

That's pretty much it right now. work, work, meeting and Lisbon tomorrow.


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