Inspired by Iceland


work, bars, music and violence

So work has been pretty hectic. In two weeks I'll be done with the stock market study i've been stuck doing for like 2 months now. Really interesting stuff. Only downfall: to be caught between portuguese and french directors trying to work and understand each other. Believe me, it's haard and let's pray it goes smooth and easy at this crucial time in the end. (in portuguese we say: porque se não, quem se lixa é o mexilhão.)
I've also started to work nights and some weekends at a cool bar in my street. I figured it'd be cool to do something else than sit my ass all day in front of a computer and interact with the same people every single day (nothing wrong with that though, they're all amazing, they really are). And if I could make some more money to buy my piano and save some to my other projects, that'd be really nice too. So far so good, havent' broken anything, haven't messed up any orders. Let's hope it stays like that. The world is freakin small it scares. Friday night the girl i'm working with had some friends over at the bar and in the group there was one of the informatics technician that works at the company. Amazing. that meant hours of conversation (and information sharing which otherwise would not have happened at work).
So, this all means that vacation will only happen in October or November. And that's cause i'm lucky and i'm working with good people that will give me that even though my contract means no vacation in the first 6 months. I know, some dogs are lucky.
In one of my very frequent visits to fnac, i found this very much wanted cd.

Needless to say that it was mine right away and has been on repeat ever since. It's amazing what really good talented artists do. Oh and I've also checked 'The Juniper Tree'. Attention: Bjork freaks only. Although it's based on a Brothers Grimm tale, it's a very icelandic type of story. Read 'Independent People' by Halldor Laxness and some of the Sagas and you'll know what I mean. Very raw, simple and straight.

Here's the link to a blog (portuguese only) with a story everybody should know. She's brazilian (daughter of a teacher i had in the master) and she's living with her husband in France. I dont know her but I'm sure she won't mind me spreading out her recent experience. She tells everything really well and it's a very important message to every women or men. Please read it.


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